Thursday, November 22, 2018

Playroom Security Solutions for Your Child’s Safety

Having a playroom for your younger one is a great step towards ensuring the growth and development of your child and also allows you some peace of mind and a little “me” time for yourself. Thus, having a separate room for your kid is a win-win bet for everyone. But in midst of all this glory and fun, as parents, you simply can’t neglect one vital aspect in this regard and that is the security of your kids among their favorite toys in your absence.

As per the latest statistics, it is reported that nearly 10,000 kids are admitted to hospital on a regular basis because of the severe injuries and wounds they bear that take place at their homes in their playrooms.

Sure Secure is the leading CCTV Installation Richmond and CCTV Installation Richmond providers who each year are approached by many families especially new parents looking forward to installing a security solution at home at their child’s playroom, since they are very well-versed with the need to childproof a home to keep their children safe from the various underlying dangers. Though with repetitive efforts to keep their children away from the harm’s way, little ones are born dangers finders who find their way to the dangers easily. There is no way parents can be attentive all the time, for which it is important to secure their playing sanctuary with the high tech security systems.

Security Solutions You Can Opt For

Mobile Access Video Surveillance Systems: Keep tabs over your child’s safety while they are completely involved and submerged in the playfulness of their toys and you are busy fulfilling your daily needs through your mobile phone. Install a video surveillance camera in your child’s playroom and watch the full video feed in your smartphone.

Install Sensors: Younger children have a weird kind of fascination with doors and windows which often get them in trouble. Windows on the ground or upper levels can pose a serious danger. The best way to ensure that your child is not stepping out of the window or main door unbeknownst to you, secure them with the sensors that will set the alarm off whenever the window opens or a glass breaks.

Get with the Alerts: Imagine you get notifications on your mobile phone, regarding all the security issues taking place in your home. Wouldn’t that be great? Well, it will be! With the home security apps downloaded and installed in your mobile, you will get the notifications whenever there is a lock being opened or closed, and the windows or the garage door opened. With the environmental sensors, you can get early alerts to when there are a smoke, fire, or carbon monoxide fumes spreading in or outside your house.

Sure Secure is one of a kind security systems and CCTV Installation Twickenham providers who have in stock a wide range of security solutions needed for the safety of your child in the confines of their playroom.